Executive retreats and incentives in Alaska
By Gary Diedrichs
Very few places for incentive meetings and executive retreats are as beautiful and popular as Alaska. Between its indigenous history, stunning landscapes, rustic charm and luxury amenities, our 49th state has it all for a memorable experience set against the backdrop of one of the most awe-inspiring destinations in the world.
Local Expert Tip
“Alaska is a great fit for groups because there truly is something to interest everyone. It’s truly possible for groups to go fishing or for a hike, learn about Alaska Native cultures and visit a James-Beard-nominated restaurant all in one day in multiple locations around the state.”
– Jillian Simpson, president and CEO, Alaska Travel Industry Association
5 Reasons Meeting Profs Love Alaska

The beauty of Alaska elevates its ubiquitous outdoor activities—boating, kayaking, hiking or camping—with its breathtaking backdrops of natural attractions such as Glacier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park and Preserve or Chugach National Forest. Outdoor activities could not be in a more scenic setting.
The history and culture of Alaskan people is diverse and celebrated, especially among the Native American population. Many different groups, such as the Athabaskans, Aleuts, Inuit and Yupik, maintain a strong presence. Visitors can learn about the rich history and customs of Native Alaskan people through the many museums and cultural centers celebrating their heritage and traditions with exhibits and events.
The culinary scene in Alaska has been getting increasingly more attention, and for good reason. With fine dining experiences like those at Seven Glaciers on the peak of Mt. Alyeska, with a chef’s tasting menu and an award-winning wine list, incentive and executive retreat attendees will be sure to share on social media.
Alaskan summers give more hours of sunlight than most destinations, leaving more time to explore the beautiful outdoors. But do some research! Depending on where you are, you can gain or lose the pattern of sunshine hours in as little as 10 days. Plan outdoor activities accordingly!
Alaskan winters are equally unique. As lakes freeze and the ground gets more solid, remoter regions of the state that are not accessible during the warmer months become available for exploration of the Alaskan frontier. Local tour companies offer guided adventures for visitors to experience limited-edition natural beauty.
Alaska's Indigenous Land

With Alaska’s ample population of indigenous people, it was long overdue for the government to return rights over land Native inhabitants claimed long before the idea of the United States of America was ever conceived. In 1971, Congress passed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), which gave Alaska Natives $960 million in reparations for absorbing their land claims as well as ownership to 40 million acres of land.
Under the 1971 act, any Alaskan with at least 25% Native descent was enrolled in a local business with one hundred shares of stock. In 1988, Congress amended ANCSA to further restrict taxes on Alaska Natives. These decisions influenced legislation in the Lower 48 and improved the lives of Indigenous peoples across the country. As we as a country continue to struggle with addressing past injustices done to indigenous peoples, Alaska’s example is a beacon for restoring Native rights to land and governance.
This article appears in the May 2024 issue. You can subscribe to the magazine here.