When the clock struck 12, and the new year began, the world was engulfed in the hope of possibilities and growth. Like every year prior, though, zeal for self-improvement doesn’t usually last very long. According to Forbes, only a quarter of people stick to their New Year’s resolutions more than a month, and only eight percent actually follow through to “mission accomplished.”

Just knowing this can be discouraging and demotivating. But what if your resolve had more to do with your location than your lack of the right stuff? That’s what a new ranking by Wallethub is claiming.

Wallethub scored 180 cities based on dozens of metrics, on the premise  that a lack of resources can play into whether someone starts, continues or drops New Year’s resolutions. To better understand where they are better kept and more likely to be achieved, Wallethub ranked cities on five of the most common resolution types: health, financial, school and work, bad habits and relationships. The overall rank for each city is a culmination of how it performed in each resolution type.

Top 10 Best Cities for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

  1. San Diego
  2. Scottsdale, Arizona
  3. San Francisco
  4. Seattle
  5. San Jose, California
  6. Irvine, California
  7. Austin, Texas
  8. Plano, Texas
  9. Salt Lake City
  10. Fremont, California

Even if you don’t live in one of these cities, don’t despair. From timing to framing, there are often a plethora of variables that go into resolutions and why they get abandoned. Here are three tips to help you stick to yours, even in an event planner’s busy life.

Set Specific, Attainable Goals

You want to be a better boss, you want to be healthier, or you want to be more frugal. What do all three of these resolutions have in common? They’re vague. People struggle with their resolutions because they’re too broad and unfocused. Goals are more effective when they are action-oriented and specific. To ensure you start and achieve these goals, be SMART. In other words, having goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

Related: 4 New Year’s Resolutions Meeting Planners Should Make—and Keep

Go Public

Going through anything alone can be lonely and more difficult, so having someone hold you accountable for your goals means you’re more likely to achieve them. In a professional setting, share your goals and ask for feedback in crafting them and carrying them out. For more personal goals, share the effort with another person. If you and a friend plan to meet at set times during the week for a run, you’d let yourself and them down by bailing.

Clear Consequences

Another problem with resolutions is that there tends to be a lack of consequence if you wimp out. So what if you don’t go for that morning run or get your desk organized? This type of thinking weakens will power and makes breaking your resolutions easier. Instead, let it be known, for example, that if you don’t abstain from drinking alcohol in January, you’ll donate $100 to a homelessness charity. Better still, hand over the money to a friend beforehand—with instructions to mail it to your charity if you cave into that glass of wine.
