True Colors International is a simple model of personality identification for people of all ages. It improves communication through the recognition of a person’s true character. Utilizing the colors orange, green, blue and gold to differentiate four basic personality types, True Colors is an uncomplicated language for every individual to convey complex ideas very simply.
Founded in 1978, True Colors is based on the principles of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the work of personality test creator David Keirsey. True Colors has been used by all ethnic groups, translated into a dozen languages and is not gender-specific.
Smart Meeting West National, held last month at Arizona Biltmore, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, in Phoenix, featured a True Colors session, which informed participants and gave planners a fun concept to introduce at their own events.
“If you want your group to interact better with others and leave your event wanting more, our True Colors Live Show customized events are the answer,” says Letitia Fox, executive producer and account manager for True Colors. “These interactive and lively performances, customized for the organization or theme, allow participants to experience aspects about who we are in a lighthearted theatrical presentation that will have everyone laughing as they recognize themselves and others.”
True Colors team-building events are ideal exercises to foster engagement and motivate team members so they will perform at their best in an interactive, supportive, creative and responsible manner. Participants discover their own True Colors spectrum and learn how to work with different personality types, accent their strengths and identify what makes them excel. They also learn the stresses of each team member, which reduces misunderstandings and conflicts. Team leaders need to understand the individual talents of each team member and how to work effectively together.
Successful teams are comprised of individuals with various personality styles. When all the members understand and accept the differences of their teammates’ styles, they become a cohesive unit, with each member assigned to the proper task.