The approach to hospitality and travel is changing—this is nothing new. We’ve all heard that in the pandemic era, air travel won’t be the same—but what exactly will be different? According to the marketing consultants at SimpliFlying, more than 70 areas in the airport could change, from the disinfection of everything and “sanitagging” to the wearing of gloves and masks throughout your entire journey. Here are highlights of their scenario of what it will be like to fly in the age of sanitized travel.
Booking Online
When booking online, the input of personal information seat selection and optional extras are only the start. In addition, be ready to upload your immunity passport, which confirms the presence of antibodies for COVID-19. Choosing your own seat will no longer be an option, as they will be assigned to you.
Curbside Dropoff
Curbside dropoff will be allowed, but only those traveling will be permitted into the airport, at least four hours before departure. Before being allowed into the departure area, passengers will have two choices: show their immunity passports or go through a disinfection tunnel and thermal scanners. Only after being deemed “fit to fly” will they be allowed to proceed to the gates.
Checking in at the Counter
Only have a carry-on bag? You will still need to make your way to the check-in counter—to have an assessment of your health. Some airlines may administer on-the-spot blood tests, as well.
If you have a bag to check, it will be fogged or UV-ray disinfected and “sanitagged.” Passengers will then be handed gloves and masks to be worn throughout the rest of their time in the airport—and on board the plane.
Security and Boarding
All passengers will go through hygiene-enhanced security at least two hours before departure.
Each carry-on bag and tray will be disinfected by fogging or UV-ray disinfection before entering the X-ray machine, , after which these bags will also be sanitagged. Passengers will be required to keep their masks and gloves on through this process.
Passengers will need to be in the boarding area at least an hour before departing, during which they will be required to maintain social distancing. They will only board when they have received individual notifications on their phones.
The JetBridge will be less crowded than before, to abide by social-distancing rules, and will double as a second disinfection tunnel, to ensure that every passenger on the plane is properly disinfected.
Upon boarding, it will be verified that all passengers are wearing gloves and masks. Prior to sitting down, passengers will wipe down their seats with wipes provided by the cabin crew.
After landing, checked-in bags will be sanitagged once more before being placed on the conveyor belt. Thermal scanners will be used once again for arriving passengers. Your immunity passport will also have to be presented upon entering your new location.