Expedia is joining the fray of B2B apps in the hotel space. The popular booking site unveiled its Partner Central app this morning, which was created to help solve the everyday problems hoteliers face.

The app provides Expedia’s hotel partners with easy-to-use tools and actionable insights anywhere, anytime, affording busy hoteliers the ability to:

Stay on top of reservations with up-to-the-minute booking information and notifications

Receive real time alerts and insights on events taking place in their markets with the new Activity Feed

View and reply to guest Real-Time Feedback during their stay

Stay informed 24/7 by using seamless fingerprint log in on devices that support Touch ID

Create, optimize and renew promotions or join Expedia Group campaigns to target and attract travelers

Benchmark performance against the competition using MarketWatch

Quickly promote last minute inventory with Sell Tonight

“The Expedia Partner Central app was designed to complement the online website experience for hoteliers on the go,” said Benoit Jolin, vice president global product, Expedia lodging partner services. “We aim to provide our partners with the information they need exactly when they need it, and the ability to quickly and easily take action. We are continuously improving the app experience taking into account both hotelier feedback and monitoring interactions to provide the best possible user experience.”

“The mobile app was built with hoteliers from across the world in mind- at every property type and size,” continued Jolin. “Take a small B&B managed solely by a busy couple who rarely have time to sit down in front of their computer; they can now receive booking notifications directly on their phone. Or the San Francisco independent hotelier that uses the app while commuting on the BART to load a last minute promotion. Or a General Manager who is able to respond immediately to feedback from his guests to ensure they have the best possible experience at his property. This level of interaction with the Expedia marketplace is unprecedented.”

The Partner Central app is free for download in the US, Canadian, UK, Ireland, Australian and New Zealand marketplaces for the Apple App Store and Google play, and is expected to roll out globally through early 2016.
