In recent years, many event organizers have observed a notable trend: despite offering enticing early bird registration discounts, many attendees are hesitant to commit to conferences well in advance. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this hesitancy and what event professionals can do about it.

What’s Behind Attendee Hesitancy

1. Ongoing Uncertainties Due to Covid-19

The ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic are still out there. Although vaccines have been distributed widely and many countries have experienced a decrease in cases, uncertainties remain. While cases are not as high as they were at the end of this summer, a newer variant is spreading, and experts predict that the patterns often seen over the last three years of the pandemic—the temperature drops, people cluster indoors, cases rise—will play out again this fall and winter.

Read MoreHelpful Budget Tips for Event Planners in a Post-Covid World

2. Economic Volatility

Post-pandemic economic recovery has been uneven, leading to financial uncertainties for both businesses and individuals. As a result, many are cautious about allocating funds to nonessential activities like conferences.

For example, once a stalwart of conference engagements, the tech industry saw a 15% decrease in early registrations in 2023 compared to pre-pandemic levels.

3. The Rise of Virtual Alternatives

The pandemic propelled the world into the digital age faster than anyone could have predicted. As face-to-face meetings became challenging, virtual conferences and webinars became the norm. Even as physical conferences return, the convenience and lower cost of virtual events continue to appeal to many.

4. Flexible Work Cultures

The concept of work has evolved. Remote work and flexible hours mean many professionals no longer need to be tied to a specific location. This flexibility makes it harder for them to commit to a fixed date months in advance.

5. Overwhelming Choices

The sheer volume of conferences, seminars, online learning videos, webinars, and podcasts available to professionals is staggering. Attendees often prefer to wait and weigh their options closer to the date to ensure they’re making the best choice for their personal and professional development. Or worse…they won’t decide at all.

6. Trust in Last-minute Availability

With technology streamlining ticketing and registration processes, many attendees trust that they can snag a spot even at the last minute, especially if the conference is within driving distance from their home. This comfort, combined with the factors mentioned above, diminishes the allure of early bird discounts.

Strategies for Event Professionals to Secure Early Commitments

In light of the challenges mentioned above, meeting planners need to think outside the box to incentivize early conference commitments. Here are several strategies that can help:

1. Value Added Exclusives

Beyond financial discounts, consider offering early registrants exclusive benefits:

  • Exclusive Workshops: Special sessions only for early bird registrants.
  • Networking Opportunities: Early access to networking events or one-on-one sessions with keynote speakers.
  • Premium Swag: Unique conference merchandise that isn’t available to later registrants.

2. Flexible Cancellation Policies

    Given the uncertainties, attendees want reassurance that they won’t lose out if they can’t attend.

    • Offer full or partial refunds for cancellations up to a specific date.
    • Provide an option to transfer the ticket to another person or defer to a future event.

    3. Hybrid Event Models

      Marry the best of both worlds by offering in-person and virtual attendance options.

      Read MoreThe Future is Hybrid-ish

      4. Tiered Pricing

      Instead of a single early bird discount, consider multiple discount tiers. The earliest registrants get the steepest discount, and the discount rate decreases as the event date approaches.

      5. Engaging Content Teasers

      Release engaging content previews, such as snippets from keynote speakers or highlights from previous events, to generate excitement.

      6. Loyalty Programs

      Reward repeat attendees with loyalty benefits. Offer them:

      • Exclusive rates
      • Priority seating
      • Special recognition during the event

      7. Collaborative Planning

        Engage potential attendees in the event planning process. This can be done through:

        • Surveys asking for topic or speaker suggestions.
        • Online polls for theming or event logistics.

        When attendees feel they’ve played a part in shaping the conference, they’re more likely to commit early.

        8. Clear Communication

        Ensure all communications clearly articulate the value of the event. This includes:

        • Detailed agendas
        • Speaker bios
        • Testimonials from past attendees.

        9. Early Access to Hotel and Travel Deals

          Partner with hotels, airlines, and transportation companies to provide exclusive deals or packages for early registrants.

          10. Collaborations with Industry Influencers

          Engage thought leaders or industry influencers to promote the event. Their endorsement can motivate early registrations.


          In the dynamic landscape of event planning, understanding the evolving needs and concerns of attendees is crucial. By adopting a mix of these strategies, event professionals can appeal to potential attendees and encourage them to commit earlier, ensuring a successful conference experience for all.

          De-de Mulligan is a seasoned writer, digital marketing strategist and former event planner. De-de is a regular contributor to Smart Meetings and blogs frequently for When she isn’t crafting compelling articles, you can find her hiking/biking the local trails or playing with her grandkids and granddogs. For collaboration inquiries or to just say hello, you can reach De-de at or connect with her on LinkedIn.
