Citywide Hybrids Break New Ground

Before February of 2020, the words “Zoom call” or “protocols” would never have been spoken in regular business. Now is a different story.

Meetings Mean Business and U.S. Travel Officially Join Forces

Meeting Means Business Coalition (MMBC) will fully integrate under U.S. Travel Association, in a move to combine resources as business travel and professional events rebuild post-pandemic. The plan to integrate was announced last week at IMEX America 2021 in Las Vegas.

2021 Catalyst Awards: Kinetic

We are proud to introduce the Kinetic Award winners of the inaugural Smart Meetings Catalyst Awards 2021! At a time when forward motion was at a premium, these partners helped all of us move in the right direction by leading the way.

FICP’s First Major In-person Event Is Coming. This is What They Did.

Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP) could have gone hybrid, but the organization opted for intimate, up close and personal. Several chairs with FICP shared what it took to address health and safety concerns in a recent Smart Meetings webinar. Here are the highlights.

The Smart Woman’s Guide

This is our moment. The work world is changing and the meetings and hospitality industries are the perfect leaders for the coming equality evolution. Anyone who has stood in line for the ladies room at IMEX knows we are overwhelmingly female in the meetings workforce, but underrepresented in management. This is our chance to step […]

Were Thousands of Vegas Memorial Weekend Visitors a Dry Run for Conventions?

Las Vegas felt almost pre-Covid over the long holiday weekend as pandemic restrictions eased and thousands of visitors poured in. It was almost like a dry run for the conventions soon returning to the city.

Future Forecast: 25 Hospitality Trends

Sometimes looking back is the straightest path to the future. So, we examined the last six months and pulled out the top 25 hospitality trends that could require innovative thinking to put you on the right side of the new change order. Let’s dive in.

Lessons Learned from a Marathon SITE Fundraiser Showcase

We asked Tahira Endean, head of events with SITE Global, to share the decision-making process behind last month’s SITE NITE all NITE and the lessons learned.

GMID Looks Forward to Stronger Meeting Future

In socially distanced meeting rooms, on marathon webinar streams and through a Clubhouse Parking Lot discussion, meeting professionals came together to celebrate the advocacy, growth and support the meetings industry witnessed during an immensely challenging year for Global Meetings Industry Day 2021.